Noise News International is an online magazine published quarterly by INCE-USA and the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) and reaches an international audience of decision-makers, engineers, government health officials, regulators, and others in consulting and private industry who are concerned with the control of acoustical noise.
It's read by the 8,000 members and associates of INCE-USA, the Acoustical Society of America, the Canadian Acoustical Association, and the Member Societies of I-INCE. Noise News International is also read by members of the SAE NVH community and by TRB ADC40 members. NNI is offered at no cost to everyone with an interest in the field of noise control engineering.
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Historical NNI Book Reviews (1993 - 1997)
The following is a list of book reviews published in Noise News International.
A book number is listed with each title, and identifies the issue in which the announcement was published. For example, BK040102 was the second book announcement published in the first issue of volume 4 of Noise News International. This list covers books reviewed from 1993 to 1997.
- Acoustic and Elastic Wave Scattering Using Boundary Elements, J.J. do Rego Silva: BK020402
- Active Control of Noise and Vibration, Colin H. Hansen and Scott D. Snyder: BK050202
- Active Control of Vibration, C.R. Fuller, S.J. Elliott, and P.A. Nelson: BK040501
- Active Noise Control Systems, Sen M. Kuo and Dennis R. Morgan: BK040201
- Active Sound Absorption, Claude J. Mazzola: BK010402
- Advanced Signal Processing and Digital Noise Reduction, Saeed V. Vaseghi: BK040403
- AIP Handbook of Condenser Microphones, George S.K. Wong and Tony F.W. Embleton, Editors: BK030103
- Communication and Job Performance in Noise: A Review, Alice H. Suter: BK0103013
- Community Noise, Birgitta Berglund and Thomas Lindvall, Eds.: BK040102
- Concert and Opera Halls: How They Sound, Leo Beranek: BK040203
- Elsevier's Dictionary of Noise and Noise Control, Robert Serre, Editor: BK010102
- Encyclopedia of Acoustics, Malcolm J. Crocker, Editor: BK050301
- Encyclopedia of Applied Physics: Volume 1, Accelerators to Analytic Methods, George L. Trigg, Editor: BK030104
- Engineering Noise Control, David A. Bies and Colin H. Hansen: BK040401
- Environmental Engineering and Sanitation, Fourth Edition, Joseph A. Salvanto, Editor: BK010302
- Environmental Management Handbook, Sven-Olof Ryding, Editor: BK010405
- Field Representations and Introduction to Scattering: Vol. 1, Acoustic, Electromagnetic, and Elastic Wave Scattering, V. Varadan, A. Lakhtakia and V.K. Varadan, Editors: BK020105
- Handbook of Environmental Acoustics, James P. Cowan: BK020202
- The Handbook of Hearing and the Effects of Noise, Karl D. Kryter: BK030401
- Handbook of Radiation and Scattering of Waves, Adrianus T. de Hoop: BK050103
- Industrial Intelligent Control, Yong-Zai Lu: BK050201
- Industrial Noise Control, Lewis H. Bell and Douglas H. Bell: BK020201
- Marine Mammals and Noise, W. John Richardson, Charles R. Greene, Jr., Charles I. Malme, and Denis H. Thompson: BK040402
- Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, Peter B. Kahn: BK050104
- Medical-Legal Evaluation of Hearing Loss, Robert A. Dobie, M.D.: BK020204
- The Nature of Acoustic Space, Mikio Tohyama, Hideo Suzuki, and Yoichi Ando: BK040101
- Noise and Vibration of Electrical Machines, P.L. Timar, Editor: BK010103
- Noise Control '95, Zbigniew Engel, Adam Lipowczan, and Jerzy Sadowski, Editors: BK030402
- Noise Control Management, Howard K. Pelton: BK010202
- Noise Control of Hydraulic Machinery, Stan Skaistis: BK020203
- NOISE CONTROL: Measurement, Analysis, and Control of Sound and Vibration, Charles E. Wilson: BK020401
- Noise Control in the Built Environment, John Roberts and Diane Fairhall, Editors: BK030105
- Noise Control Manual, David A. Harris, Editor: BK010303
- Noise Control in Buildings, Cyril M. Harris, Editor: BK020101
- Noise Control in Russia, E. Nekrasova, Technical Editor, L. Kobelashvili, Translator: BK030106
- Noise and Vibration Control Engineering, Leo L. Beranek and Istvan L. Ver, Editors: BK010101
- Notes on Sound Absorption Technology, K. Uno Ingard: BK030101
- Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Acoustics: BK030403
- Proceedings of Euro-Noise '92, R. Lawrence, Editor: BK010201
- Propagation of Sound in Porous Media, J.F. Allard: BK020102
- Pump Application Desk Book, Paul N. Garay: BK050203
- Pump Noise and Vibrations, G. Caignaert, Editor: BK020103
- Recent Advances in Active Control of Sound and Vibration, R.A. Burdisso, Editor: BK010401
- Roofed Theaters of Classical Antiquity, George C. Izenour: BK010404
- Ruido - Fundamentos e Controle, Samir N.Y. Gerges: BK010304
- Sound Intensity, Second Edition, F.J. Fahy: BK050102
- Sound Transmission Through Buildings Using Statistical Energy Analysis, Robert J.M. Craik: BK040202
- Sinc Methods for Quadrature and Differential Equations, John Lund and Kenneth L. Bowers: BK010403
- Software for Noise Control, Edited by Pascal Millot: BK030201
- Statistical Energy Analysis, Richard H. Lyon and Richard G. DeJong: BK030102
- Sourcebook on Noise Control, L. Gooday, M. Scanlon and J. Devine, Eds.: BK030403
- Vibrations and Waves - Part A: Vibrations; Part B: Waves, Sylwester Kaliski, Editor: BK020104