Fellows of the Institute

About INCE-USA Fellows

INCE-USA is proud to recognize publicly those INCE-USA Members who have:

  • rendered notable service to INCE-USA;
  • made notable or distinguished contributions to the advancement of noise control engineering; and/or
  • notably promoted knowledge of noise control engineering.

Fellows are nominated by Members of INCE-USA, and selected by the Board of Directors.

To nominate someone for Fellow of INCE-USA, please refer to these instructions.

List of INCE-USA Fellows

Michael Bahtiarian

Michael Bahtiarian

For service as President, NOISE-CON General Chair, Vice President of Board Certification, Director, and chairs of multiple INCE-USA committees. For contributions to the noise control profession through involvement with ISO technical committees, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Institute of Environmental Sciences.


James D. Barnes

James D. Barnes

For decades of outstanding professional service as an industrial and environmental noise control engineering consultant to clients throughout the United States, service to INCE-USA during NOISE-CON conferences and INTER-NOISE congresses, and teacher of classes for INCE-USA.

Leo L. Beranek

Leo L. Beranek (†)

For service as Founder, Director and Officer of INCE-USA, and as Director and Officer of the INCE Foundation. For contributions to noise control engineering as a prolific author, teacher, researcher, international acoustical and noise control consultant, and founder of a world-class acoustical consulting and research firm often called the third university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. And the 1997 recipient of the INCE Distinguished Noise Control Engineer Award.

Robert J. Bernhard

Robert J. Bernhard

For service as Director and Officer of INCE-USA, and as Director of the INCE Foundation. For contributions to noise control engineering in the teaching of engineering students, and research of numerical, experimental, and active methods in noise control. And the 2003 recipient of the INCE Distinguished Noise Control Engineer Award.

J. Stuart Bolton

J. Stuart Bolton

For service as a Director and Officer of INCE-USA, and Chair and Proceedings Editor of INCE conferences. For teaching and mentoring students and professionals in noise control engineering, and research contributions to acoustic visualization, mechanisms of sound absorption and tire/pavement noise generation.

Paul Burge

Paul Burge

For extensive service to the Institute as Director and Vice President of INCE-USA, including the development of an independent INCE-USA Certification Board. For contributions to noise control engineering as a certified instructor from the National Highway Institute/FHWA, more than thirty years of professional leadership in the transportation noise and vibration field, and publication of dozens of papers on transportation noise.

Courtney B. Burroughs

Courtney B. Burroughs

For service as Director and Vice President of INCE-USA, proceedings editor, conference chair, and editor of NCEJ. For contributions to noise control engineering education, especially graduate education, and research in structural acoustics, transportation noise, product noise control, acoustics of musical instruments, and architectural acoustics. And as the 2009 recipient of the INCE Distinguished Service Medal for exceptional dedication and service.

William J. Cavanaugh

William J. Cavanaugh (†)

For service as Director and Officer of INCE-USA and the INCE Foundation. For contributions to the advancement of noise control engineering as a teacher, author, consultant and researcher on acoustical problems in and around buildings and as a founding partner of a distinguished independent acoustical consulting firm.

James Chalupnik

James Chalupnik

For service as Founder and Director of INCE-USA. For contributions to education in acoustics, noise control engineering and research in roadway noise, modal analysis, shock and vibration, and stress analysis. For leadership in community noise control and abatement. For volunteer service in noise control at all levels of government in the US and internationally.

Kristin Cody

Kristin Cody

For service as Director, an Associate Editor for NCEJ, and Vice President of Public Relations for INCE-USA, including development and the first set of webinars provided by the Institute to advance the understanding of noise control. For contributions to noise control engineering with particular focus on the advancement of the fields of flow noise and flow-induced vibration through research, design, and testing, and as an instructor of a governmental organization-wide course on Noise and Vibration.

Beth A. Cooper

Beth A. Cooper

For service as Director of INCE-USA, as Vice President for board certification, as INCE/USA representative on the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC) and Chair of CAOHC, and as General Chair of Noise-Con 2003. For contributions to the development of laboratory facilities, techniques and advocacy programs supporting the measurement, evaluation and mitigation of noise emissions from equipment used in space vehicles; for contributions to NASA’s hearing conservation and noise control programs, including the development of publicly-available tools and educational resources for employee training, “Buy-Quiet” purchasing, and low-noise design; and for contributions to methods and software for the evaluation of hearing protective devices.

Joseph M. Cuschieri

Joseph M. Cuschieri

For service as Director, President, Vice President, and Executive Director of INCE-USA, and proceedings editor and conference chair. For contributions to the analysis and prediction of structure-borne noise and the acoustic radiation of submerged structures. And as the 2009 recipient of the INCE Distinguished Service Medal for exceptional dedication and service.

Patricia Davies

Patricia Davies

For service as Director and President of INCE-USA, Director of the INCE Foundation, Chair of Technical Activities, Co-chair of Sound Quality Symposiums, and support in the organization of NoiseCon conferences. For contributions to noise control engineering in the areas of signal processing and data analysis, condition monitoring, vibration measurement, and sound quality and perception-based engineering. As teacher of advanced classes related to noise control engineering and mentor of students representing the future of our profession.

Paul Donavan

Paul Donavan

For service as Director, Vice President, and two-term President of INCE-USA. For contributions to research and applications in tire/road noise, sound intensity methods, aeroacoustics and wind tunnel testing, and structure-borne sound analysis. And as the 2009 recipient of the INCE Award for Excellence in Noise Control Engineering relating to the development of the sound intensity method of measuring tire noise performance of in situ pavements.

Gordon Ebbitt

Gordon L. Ebbitt

For service as Director, Officer and President of INCE-USA; NOISE-CON Technical Chair (twice); technical session organizer and author; editor of conference proceedings for NOISE-CON and INTER-NOISE. For contributions to the noise control engineering profession by membership on SAE Noise and Vibration Conference and standards committee, ASA S12/WG 36; acoustical materials development, author/co-author of numerous technical papers on vehicle acoustics and measurement techniques, vehicle noise control development and acoustical test facility innovation.

Ken Eldred

Kenneth M. Eldred (†)

For service as Founder, Director, and Officer of INCE-USA and Director of the INCE Foundation. For contributions to noise control engineering in the development of national and international standards, research in jet noise and building dynamics, studies of aircraft environmental noise, and as director at world-class acoustical research-development-consulting firms.

Jeffery Fullerton

Jeffery Fullerton

For outstanding professional noise control engineering consulting services for a wide range of mechanical equipment serving the built environment, service to INCE-USA as Director, Vice President, and board certified member, and teaching noise control principals to architectural students.

Lewis S. Goodfriend

Lewis S. Goodfriend (†)

For service as Founder, Director, President, Vice President and Journal Editor of INCE-USA. For contributions to building acoustics, industrial noise control, community noise, and environmental noise regulations; editor, author, and speaker; and since 1953, principal of highly-regarded acoustical consulting firms.

Stephen A. Hambric

Stephen A. Hambric

For service as Director of INCE-USA, proceedings editor, conference chair, and Vice President for Technical Activities. For contributions to noise control engineering education, especially graduate education in structural acoustics, and computational and experimental research in structural acoustics, hydro acoustics, machinery dynamics, and passive noise controls.

Carl E. Hanson

Carl E. Hanson

For service as conference chair, proceedings editor, and session organizer for INCE-USA. For international contributions to noise control engineering including the understanding and control of railroad and transit system noise and vibration; as lecturer and author of handbooks; and Director of a world-class acoustical consulting firm.

Andrew S. Harris

Andrew S. Harris (†)

For service as Director and Officer of INCE-USA. For international contributions to noise control engineering including the understanding and control of aviation noise; development of noise control plans for airports in the U.S. and abroad; lecturer and author of handbooks; and Founder of a world-class acoustical consulting firm.

Robert Hellweg

Robert Hellweg

For service as Director, President, and Secretary of INCE-USA. For significant and ongoing leadership and technical contributions to noise control engineering for the information technology industry, for environmental noise, and for development of national and international standards.

David Herrin

David Herrin

For service as Director and Vice President of INCE-USA, NOISE-CON and INTER-NOISE conference chair and technical chair, and NCEJ Associate Editor. For contributions to noise control engineering as a professor, by regularly presenting substantive papers at conferences, sharing ideas, and providing guidance to his students and professional associates, and as Director of the University of Kentucky Vibro-Acoustic Consortium which provides member services in the simulation of muffler acoustics and a wide variety of noise control issues for commercial industry.

Ralph K. Hillquist

Ralph K. Hillquist (†)

For service as Founder and Director of INCE-USA. For contributions to automotive noise control engineering in the areas of interior, exterior, and tire noise during his career at General Motors and for leadership in standards activities in the area of vehicular noise measurement.

Martin Hirschorn

Martin Hirschorn (†)

For service as Founder and Officer INCE-USA and contributor to the INCE Foundation. For contributions to noise control engineering as founder and director of a company developing and manufacturing architectural and industrial noise control products used worldwide.

David K. Holger

David K. Holger

For service as Director of INCE-USA, Editor-in-Chief of the Noise Control Engineering Journal, and for the establishment of the original INCE-USA Business Office at Iowa State University. For contributions to noise control engineering education, especially related to aeroacoustics.

Harvey H. Hubbard

Harvey H. Hubbard (†)

For service as Founder, President, and Director of INCE-USA and conference proceedings editor. For contributions to noise control engineering in the area of aeroacoustics and aircraft during his career at NASA Langley and for authorship of books on the aeroacoustics of flight vehicles, wind turbine generator noise and sonic booms.

K. Uno Ingard

K. Uno Ingard (†)

For service as Founder, President, and Director of INCE-USA. For contributions to the science of noise control engineering including authoring definitive texts on acoustics and noise reduction analysis; for the education provided to future noise control engineers during his teaching career at MIT; and consulting in the area of aeroacoustics. And the 1995 recipient of the INCE Outstanding Educator Award.

Deane Jaeger

Deane Jaeger

For service as Director and Treasurer of INCE-USA. For contributions to the NVH development of motorcycles, including building and managing a team of 50 NVH specialists known as the “keepers of the sound”; for contributions as the USA representative to the International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association regulatory noise development committee; for his work with numerous community leaders in the United States to develop workable community noise ordinances that restrict excessively loud motorcycle exhaust noise.

Mandy Kachur

Mandy Kachur

For service as a Director, Officer and technical committee chair of INCE-USA, NCEJ associate editor, Public Outreach Workshop coordinator and liaison for the “In Pursuit of Silence” film, session organizer and author for NOISE-CON and INTER-NOISE. For contributions to the profession of noise control engineering including architectural acoustical consulting; lecturer at a number of universities, author/co-author of numerous technical papers on architectural and healthcare environment acoustics.

George W. Kamperman

George W. Kamperman

For service as Director of INCE-USA. For contributions to noise measurements and instrumentation, national standards, community noise ordinances, and environmental noise control engineering for industrial facilities. And for his leadership role, and among the earliest members, at a world-class acoustical consulting firm.

Howard F. Kingsbury

Howard F. Kingsbury (†)

For service as Founder and Director of INCE-USA.  For contributions to noise control education and architectural acoustics.

Francis Kirschner

Francis Kirschner

For service as Founder and Director of INCE-USA, and contributions to the INCE-USA 20th Anniversary celebration. For leadership in the development and application of damping materials and sound absorptive materials, especially foam sound absorptive materials. His U.S. Patents range from mufflers for air blast circuit breakers, vibration damping for railroad wheels to sound absorbing composites.

Richard A. Kolano

Richard A. Kolano

For service as President, Vice President of Board Certification, Vice President of Board Affairs, Director of INCE-USA, and especially for his efforts to institute the recertification program and update INCE-USA procedures. For important contributions to the field of architectural noise and vibration control, community noise and material measurement facilities.

William W. Lang

William W. Lang  (†)

For service as Founder, Director, Officer, and President of INCE-USA; service as President of an INTER-NOISE Congress; and contributions to the founding of the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering, the INCE Foundation, and the Noise Control Foundation. For contributions to noise standards both nationally and internationally, and for contributions to noise control engineering in the information technology industry. And as the 2002 recipient of the INCE Distinguished Noise Control Engineer Award.

Gerald C. Lauchle

Gerald C. Lauchle

For service as Director, President, and Vice President of INCE-USA. For contributions to the teaching of short courses at INCE/USA-sponsored meetings. For contributions to noise control engineering education, especially graduate education, and for publications in the areas of fan noise and aeroacoustics.

Robert Lotz

Robert Lotz

For service as Director of INCE-USA and Proceedings Editor for NOISE-CON and INTER-NOISE  held at MIT. For leadership in INCE-USA technical activities, especially for the development of noise control technology for the information technology industry, and for leadership in developing national and international standards for the measurement of noise from information technology equipment.

David Lubman

David Lubman

For service as INCE-USA Director, chair of INCE’s first Noise Control Fundamentals exam committee, INCE course lecturer on sound quality metrics, and co-chair of I-INCE’s Classroom Acoustics Committee. For leadership improving and standardizing classroom acoustics. For contributions to statistical room acoustics theory and reverberant sound power measurement standardization. For pioneering research and discoveries in archaeoacoustics.

Richard H. Lyon

Richard H. Lyon (†)

For service as Chair of INCE conferences for INCE-USA. For contributions to noise control engineering as teacher of advanced classes, author, founder of RH Lyon Corp, and especially in sound quality, random vibration, sound generation, transducer design, the interaction of sound and structures, machinery diagnostics, and the development of Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA).

George C. Maling, Jr.

George C. Maling, Jr. (†)

For service as Founder, Director, and Managing Director of INCE-USA, and Director and President of the INCE Foundation. For contributions to noise control engineering as a leader of the National Academy of Engineering Technology for a Quieter America program, managing editor of Noise News International, and international and national noise control practice and standards. And as the 2001 recipient of the INCE Distinguished Noise Control Engineer Award, and together with Norah Maling the 2009 INCE Distinguished Service Medal.

Alan H. Marsh

Alan H. Marsh (†)

For service as Secretary, Director, and President of INCE-USA; as President of an INTER-NOISE Congress; and as Editor-in-Chief of Noise Control Engineering Journal. For contributions to the development of national and international standards for sound level meters, sound calibrators, and bandpass filters. For contributions to the reduction of noise from civil jet transports, especially for pioneering work on sound-absorbing linings in jet-engine inlet and exhaust ducts.

Steven E. Marshall

Steven E. Marshall

For service as Director and Officer of INCE-USA, proceedings editor, and conference chair. For contributions to noise control engineering within the automotive, aerospace, and HVAC&R industries. For original work including inventing a supersonic drain valve, applying SEA to periodic structures, developing a procedure for qualifying elastomeric vibration isolators at high-frequency, and designing broadband mufflers for application to variable-speed refrigerant compressors.

Charles Moritz

Charles Moritz

For service to INCE-USA as Director, Vice President of Board Affairs, Vice President of Public Relations, INTER-NOISE 2018 Congress President, INCE-USA representative to the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC), and more than five Institute committees. For contributions to noise control engineering in the field of industrial and occupational noise and vibration control, and material measurement facilities.

David Nelson

David Nelson

For his significant contributions in the advancement of noise control engineering in the areas of IT and product noise and substantial contributions to INCE conferences and planning.

Richard J. Pepping

Richard J. Peppin

For service as Secretary, Director, and President of INCE-USA; for outstanding service in the management of INCE/USA-sponsored exhibitions; and for contributions to Noise/News International as advertising manager. For his contributions to the development of national standards, especially as related to instruments for sound measurement.

Marehalli G. (MG) Prasad

Marehalli G. (MG) Prasad (†)

For service as Director, officer, conference general chair, proceedings editor, and board certified member of INCE-USA.  For contributions to research and applications advancing technical understandings of mufflers and duct acoustics, as lecturer and author, and for teaching and mentoring hundreds of graduate and undergraduate students at Stevens Institute of Technology. And as the 2015 recipient of the INCE Outstanding Educator Award and fellowship of ASME, ASA and Acoustical Society of India.

Judith L. Rochat

Judith L. Rochat

For service to INCE-USA as a Director and Vice President, Technical Activities. For outstanding engineering, noise and vibration control, applied research, and applications leading to quieter highway, rail, and aviation transportation systems throughout the United States, and for teaching others about transportation system noise.

Stephen I. Roth

Stephen I. Roth

For service as Director, Secretary, and President of INCE-USA. For contributions to industrial noise control engineering; consulting activities in building, community, and industrial noise; and for leadership and contributions to standards in the areas of machinery, industrial, and community noise.

Jeff G. Schmitt

Jeff G. Schmitt

For service as Director of INCE-USA. For contributions to the design, construction and accreditation of many top-of-the-line acoustic laboratories, development of information technology equipment noise emission measurement practices, and for service as chair of ANSI, ISO and INCE standards committees and working groups in the development and application of standard methods for acoustical measurements.

Paul D. Schomer

Paul D. Schomer

For service as Director and Vice President of INCE-USA. For significant contributions to improved understanding of the effects of noise on people and communities and of long range sound propagation and sound predictions, and for development of national and international standards related to noise control engineering.

James G. Seebold

James G. Seebold (†)

For service as Director, President, Vice President, and Treasurer of INCE-USA; and President of INTER-NOISE 78 Congress and conference proceedings editor. For leadership at Chevron Corporation, and predecessor companies, both while employed and now in retirement, enhancing the understanding of and directing and consulting on the engineering noise control for major onshore refineries, offshore platforms, and shipboard applications; and as consultant, author, and lecturer.

Ben H. Sharp

Ben H. Sharp

For service as Director of INCE-USA. For technical contributions to the fields of aviation noise assessment and abatement, ground transportation noise, and building acoustics, and his many years of leadership at a world-class acoustical research and consulting firm.

Rajendra Singh

Rajendra Singh

For service as Director, Officer, and President of INCE-USA. For seminal contributions to noise control engineering in the education of students at The Ohio State University and practicing engineers via a practice-oriented graduate course sequence. And as the 1989 recipient of the INCE Outstanding Educator Award and fellowship of ASME, ASA and SAE.

Steve Sorenson

Steve Sorenson

For service as NOISE-CON Technical Co-Chair (multiple times) and work to establish the classic paper competition and student paper awards. For service as Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Activities & Education, Director, and associate editor for the Noise Control Engineering Journal. For contributions to the noise control profession though SAE as Vice Chair and then Chair of the SAE Noise and Vibration Conference, Chair of the SAE Acoustical Materials Committee, and long serving session organizer for SAE conferences.

Louis Sutherland

Louis Sutherland (†)

For service as Director and President of INCE-USA, and for development of the INCE Award for Excellence in Noise Control Engineering. For many contributions to community noise control and control of noise in recreational areas, and for his long experience as an acoustical consultant in the areas of structural and human response to sonic loads, including rocket and aircraft noise, sonic booms, and blasts.

R. Bruce Tatge

R. Bruce Tatge

For service as Director and Vice President of INCE-USA. For leadership at General Electric enhancing the understanding and control of noise from industrial gas turbines; investigator of industrial machinery diagnostics; committee member for the ANSI Standard B133.8 Gas Turbine Installation Sound Emissions; and consultant to his community on noise issues.

Alan M. Teplitzky

Alan M. Teplitzky (†)

For service as Director of INCE-USA. For significant contributions to the development, publication, and application of noise control engineering for the electric power industry, and for development of very low-noise environments in performing arts facilities.

James K. Thompson

James K. Thompson

For service as a Director, President, and Vice President of INCE-USA, and as Managing Editor of Noise/News International. For leadership in the development of noise control engineering standards for vehicles and vehicle systems. For contributions in research that developed fundamental concepts in tire noise and vehicle characterization. For building bridges between professional organizations working in noise control engineering to benefit the field.

Nancy Timmerman

Nancy Timmerman

For service as Director and President of INCE-USA. For outstanding contributions to the measurement and evaluation of noise around airports and for contributions to the reduction of community noise exposure to aircraft operations.

Gregory c. Tocci

Gregory C. Tocci

For service as Director, Officer, and first Vice President for Board Certification of INCE-USA. For contributions to noise control engineering as lecturer and consultant for residential, commercial, and industrial developments, and for healthcare facilities, and as President and founding partner of a widely recognized acoustical consulting firm.

David Towers

David Towers

For service as Director and Office of INCE-USA, for contributions to the field of noise control engineering in the area of rail transit and construction, for contributions to noise control standards, for mentorship of noise control professionals, and environmental noise control project work.

Eric E. Ungar

Eric E. Ungar

For service as President and Director of INCE-USA. For internationally recognized contributions to noise control engineering, especially in the fields of vibration control and damping, via publications, teaching, mentoring, and consulting.

Istvan Ver

Istvan Ver (†)

For service as Director of INCE-USA. For sustained contributions to the noise control engineering community as coeditor and major contributor to the widely used book Noise and Vibration Control Engineering. For pioneering work in applying reciprocity as a noise control diagnostic tool in automotive, aircraft, and space industries; as well as for authoring noise control design guides for jet engine test cells, aero-acoustic test facilities, special purpose silencers, and for power transformers.

Henning E. von Gierke

Henning E. von Gierke (†)

For service as Director of INCE-USA. For contributions to noise control engineering during more than five decades in the transmission, action, and human perception of all types of mechanical energy from infrasound, vibration, impact, and blast through the audio spectrum to ultrasound in air as well as in tissue, the development of national and international standards, and as teacher, author, and inventor.

Karl B. Washburn

Karl B. Washburn

For service to INCE-USA as Secretary, INCE-USA Webmaster, and as Technical Co-Chair of NOISE-CON 2016; for contributions to testing, analysis, and development of noise controls for a wide range of off-highway heavy vehicles for the construction, forestry, and agricultural industries; for developing and managing acoustical testing laboratories for three major manufacturers each in different industries; for work on national and international standards committees.

Eric Wood

Eric Wood

For tireless and dedicated service to INCE-USA as President and Director, President and Treasurer of the INCE Foundation, and ongoing work to elevate the Institute and its Members. For a lengthy career dedicated to noise control engineering with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and Acentech, Inc. (formerly Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.), including major industrial and transportation projects, product noise control, hearing conservation and numerous public information documents and technical publications in the field.

David Yeager

David Yeager

For service as Director and President of INCE-USA, Chair of NOISE-CON 94, and co-President of INTER-NOISE 99. For leadership in noise control of personal computers, and for leadership in the design and construction of an ultra-low noise anechoic room which was one of the first chambers to break the 0 dB(A) noise floor mark. For contributions to our knowledge of sound sources in centrifugal fans.

Sustaining Members

  • Acentech
  • CT
  • CGA
  • GERB
  • Herrick
  • Hush Soundproofing
  • Illingworth
  • NCE
  • SVI Dynamics Logo small
  • PSU
  • Seti Media
  • Wilson Ihrig