Do you work on Noise Control Engineering, Architectural Acoustics, Noise and Vibration Problem Resolution, Environmental Noise, Product Noise Control or NVH? Consider becoming INCE Board Certified in Noise Control Engineering.
Board Certification is formal recognition of the highest professional capability in the practice of Noise Control Engineering. Many projects that use the services of a Noise Control Engineer require INCE Board Certification to assure professional competence. Board Certification is available to any noise control professional meeting the specified requirements, regardless of their country of residence.
This page describes reasons to become board certified, the process, the professional exam and other details. If you have any other questions contact the Vice President, Board Certification.
Why become Board Certified in Noise Control?
Board Certification in Noise Control brings many benefits:
- Assurance to your clients and to the general public, and recognition by your peers, that you have achieved the highest professional competency, analogous to a Professional Engineering (P.E.) registration, for Noise Control Engineering;
- A high level of qualification for acceptance as an expert witness in the courts on matters involving noise control;
- The ability to work on projects requiring Board Certification in Noise Control, including many municipal and government projects.
Who is responsible for conducting Board Certification?
Board Certification in Noise Control Engineering is offered through the Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA (INCE-USA). The selection process is overseen by an independent body, the INCE Certification Board. Certification Board members are nominated by the INCE Vice President of Board Certification and approved by the INCE-USA Board of Directors. While the Board is chaired by the Vice President, it functions independently of INCE-USA.
The INCE Certification Board is responsible for:
- Receiving and reviewing applications from individuals seeking Board Certification,
- Determining whether an applicant complies with the requirements,
- Granting INCE Board Certification to successful candidates,
- Developing, maintaining, and administering the INCE-USA Professional Examination
What is the process to become Board Certified in Noise Control Engineering?
As Board Certification is a formal recognition of professional competence, the procedure is extensive. It is outlined here.
- Candidates complete the application for INCE-USA Board Certification application and remit an application fee of USD $200.
- The application outlines prerequisites, including college degrees, course work in acoustics, and years of practice.
- You must have letters of reference from five professionals, three of whom must be INCE Members. Two of the three Members must be Board Certified in Noise Control.
- Once the candidate has submitted the application, the INCE Certification Board reviews it to determine if the candidate is approved to sit for the INCE Board Certification Examination.
- Upon approval, the applicant may sit for the examination.
- Three INCE-USA Board Certified Members grade the exam independently.
- Two of the three graders must agree that the candidate has received a passing grade.
- When all requirements are met and a passing grade has been achieved on the examination, the Vice President of Board Certification submits the candidate’s name to the INCE-USA Certification Board for approval.
- Upon approval by the Certification Board, the candidate becomes Board Certified in Noise Control Engineering. At that time, the member is entitled to add “INCE Bd. Cert.” following his/her name in professional correspondence, on calling cards and in curriculum vitae.
About the INCE Board Certification Professional Exam
- Intent: The INCE-USA Professional Examination is intended to evaluate the practical knowledge of an individual which has been gained from an engineering education along with approximately five years of practical experience in Noise Control Engineering. It is not an academic examination.
- Content: The examination broadly covers the principles and practice of noise control engineering, including the application to noise control practice of fundamental acoustics, mechanical dynamics, and the psycho-physiological properties of the ear. Specialized topics include instrumentation and measurements, hearing conservation, noise problems in buildings, in transportation systems, in the community, and in industry.
- Format: The examination is eight hours long, with a one-hour lunch break. The examination consists of both closed-book questions and open-book problems. Each of the morning and afternoon sessions of the exam include 10 questions (all of which must be answered), and 8 problems (of which 5 must be answered).
- References and computational aids: References and computational aids are allowed in the open-book problem portion, but not in the question portion of the exam. Any reference material that is brought into the examination by the participant may be used. A list of recommended references is given in the Study Guide. Participants are not permitted to exchange any reference material or computational aids with one another during the examination. Any self-contained computational aid that does not disturb other people, including a laptop computer, may be used. If a specific reference is used in solving a problem, the source must be cited.
- Unit System: SI (metric) units are used throughout the examination.
- Grading: The question portion of the examination contributes to 30% of the final grade. The problem portion of the examination contributes to 70%. A total score of 70% or more is considered to be a passing grade.
Application Materials and Study Guide for the Professional Examination
Fees for Board Certification Application, Annual Renewal, and Recertification
This section explains the fees associated with Board Certification in Noise Control Engineering.
- Application fee for Board Certification in Noise Control Engineering: $200.00 USD submitted with application materials (see Note 1).
- Annual maintenance fee for Board Certified Noise Control Engineers who are INCE-USA Members: None. Fee is included with annual INCE-USA Membership dues.
- Annual maintenance fee for Board Certified Noise Control Engineers who are not INCE-USA Members: $115.00 USD (see Note 2)
- Re-certification fee for Board Certification: $25.00 USD once every 5 years, to be included with that year’s membership renewal.
NOTE 1: This fee was increased from USD$100.00 by the INCE-USA Board of Directors at their meeting in August 2018.
NOTE 2: This is a new fee associated with the changes in the INCE-USA By-Laws that separates Board Certification in Noise Control Engineering from requirements for Membership in INCE-USA. The fee was established by the INCE-USA Board of Directors at their meeting in August 2018.