The Laymon N. Miller Award for Excellence in Acoustical Consulting is an annual award provided jointly by the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE-USA) and the National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC) on alternating years.
This award recognizes that individual who has practiced acoustical consulting in an exemplary manner over a sustained period of time, to improve acoustical environments in and around buildings, transportation systems, work places, recreational and other occupied spaces, such that the quality of life for citizens and communities is significantly enhanced.
The awardee is selected by INCE-USA in even-numbered years and by the NCAC in odd-numbered years. Award recipients receive a bronze medal shown above provided by the INCE Foundation.
The Laymon N. Miller Award for Excellence in Acoustical Consulting will be available for nominations in 2024.
For his long and distinguished record as an acoustical consultant, active participation in professional societies, and strong letters of support, establishing him as a role model and life-long mentor to many colleagues.
For creativity in finding effective acoustical solutions for his clients, his interest in the mentoring of next generation of aspiring young accosticians and appreciation for his consultants interest.
For his ability to convey noise control concepts to his clients clearly and supportively, and his depth and breadth of the acoustical consulting work that he has completed in a career spanning 46 years.
For his outstanding career in architectural acoustics and building and environmental noise.
For sustained sharing of his acoustical expertise with colleagues and clients to create better acoustical environments and the standards to evaluate them, INCE-USA is honored to present Noral D. Stewart with this Award. Dr. Stewart embodies the exceptional qualities of the Award’s namesake and we are proud to recognize him as this year’s awardee.
Decades of exemplary leadership, mentoring, and innovation in acoustical consulting, particularly in the areas of rail and building vibration isolation resulting in thousands of people who can now live and work near rail lines without suffering from excessive levels of noise, ground-borne noise, or perceptible vibration and can enjoy the quietest passages of symphonic music without the distraction of a passing train.
Decades of exemplary acoustical consulting and professional engineering services making quieter environments on domestic and international projects for industry, governments, and communities.
As a member of the acoustical consulting community who embodies the qualities of the late Laymon N. Miller — teacher, scientist, innovator—and who has practiced acoustical consulting in an exemplary manner over a sustained period of time. Such that the quality of life is significantly enhanced.