Thanks to the generous support of the INCE Foundation, INCE is pleased to present awards to those who have contributed outstanding service and activity to the noise control community.
INCE-USA and the INCE Foundation are excited to be accepting nominations for the following major awards:
INCE-USA Members’ Choice Project Award
Acknowledges notable project(s) or product(s) completed in the field of noise control or architectural acoustics.
The William W. Lang Award for the Distinguished Noise Control Engineer
Recognizes individuals who have rendered conspicuous and consistently outstanding service to the Institute and to the field of noise control engineering over a sustained period.
The Laymon N. Miller Award for Excellence in Acoustical Consulting
This award recognizes that individual who has practiced acoustical consulting in an exemplary manner over a sustained period of time, to improve acoustical environments in and around buildings, transportation systems, work places, recreational and other occupied spaces, that the quality of life for citizens and communities is significantly enhanced.
Martin Hirschorn IAC Prize – Best Paper Award
Funded with the income from a $100,000 gift given in 1999 by the New York Community Trust, Martin Hirschorn IAC Fund.
Learn More
To be considered for this award, send your paper directly to the VP of Awards vp_awards@inceusa.org
INCE-USA Student Scholarship
Granted to a college student studying noise control or architectural acoustics in the United States of America who, through personal qualifications and proposed research experience, is judged to exhibit the highest potential for performing research benefitting some aspect of noise control and promoting its usefulness to society.
Student Paper Competition
INCE-USA is pleased to announce a Student Paper Competition for Noise-Con 2022, with up to 5 awards given to the most outstanding papers. The Winners of the Student Paper Competition Awards will receive $500 USD, plus an additional $500 award if they attend the Noise-Con 2022 Awards Ceremony.
Classic Papers in Noise Control Engineering” Competition
INCE-USA is sponsoring a special session of seminal noise control papers open to students, “Classic Papers in Noise Control Engineering” for Noise-Con 2022. Students will present on one of the classic papers listed in the entry form. An award will be given based on the student’s presentation itself.
Michiko So Finegold Award (for graduate student/young professional travel)
The Michiko So Finegold Award supports U.S graduate students and young professionals travelling to NOISE-CON 2022 to present their work on noise effects, development of noise policy, and related aspects of noise control engineering.
Halberg Foundation Award (for student travel)
The Halberg Foundation award supports North American undergraduate or graduate students travelling to NOISE-CON 2022 to present their work in many areas of noise control engineering.